sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2015


I. Nowadays aesthetics is a delicated subject, for each person there are different styles of beauty. Something that for me it's beautiful for other person it can be horrible.
II. About the body.
A. There are models too thin.
1. This can make people to feel bad with themself.
2. Sizes of clothes are becoming smaller.
B. There are fat people.
1. They can think that they are not accepted in society.
III. With the hair.
A. There are different types of hair.
B. If you have short hair you will be judge.
1. There are people who thinks that shirt hair is for lesbians.
1. Also there are people who says you seem a boy.
C. If you don't like your colour of hair
1. You can dyed.
2. The problem of dye your hair it's that dyes are expensives.
IV. The big problem about clothes.
A. Nowadays clothes are too expensive.
B.You will be judge accordint to your clothes.
1. If you wear comfortable clothes, you won't like to be smart.
2.If you wear smart clothes, you will be a posh person.
C. It's difficult to be a conscious person about trendy.
1. Each day there is a new tendency.
V. You can't be an influenced person respect to aesthetic subject. You will be judge if you are trendy or not, because people who understad of fashion can says ''Your hair it's too weird, I love it'', but someone like me can say ''I hate your hair, It's too weird''. The important thing is that you feel good with yourself, don't listen to the others. It's difficult that all people like your style.

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